
The Table MeetUps

MeetUps are diverse small groups that extend relationships beyond our Sunday services. They include home groups, book clubs, discipleship groups, and Bible studies. These gatherings offer meaningful connections centered around Christ. Our goal is for these groups to be accessible to everyone, especially new visitors, and demonstrate our values (thoughtful, inclusive, eclectic, communal, and vulnerable).

Current Available MeetUps at The Table

Home Groups

Intergenerational groups that meet weekly for relational connection and Christ-centered discussion. Most groups share their highs, lows, and prayer requests and discuss the week’s sermon topic.


  • Wednesdays at 7pm led by Rissa & Scott Marlar


  • Tuesdays at 7pm led by Daryl Adams
  • Wednesdays at 7pm led by Casie & Jennifer Darter


  • Mondays at 7pm led by Kaitlyn & Brandon Randall

Richardson – Starting Thursday, January 16th, 2025!

  • Thursdays at 7pm led by Charles and Julie Kiser


Affinity Groups

These groups vary in their focus. Check out their descriptions below to learn more.

Men’s Discipleship Group

  • 8:00 am Saturday mornings
  • Description: This group is for guys of any age looking to go deeper in their walk with Christ. We spend about half the time sharing honestly about how we’re doing and the second half discussing whatever (short) reading we engaged that week.
  • Leader: Brett Tilford

Table Teens

  • 6:30pm – 8:00pm Sundays
  • Description: A group for 7th-12th graders in a relaxed atmosphere (includes food, games, song, & Bible discussion).
  • Leaders: Maggie Tilford, Michael Alvarez, Marisa Martinez, and Abbey Schmahl

20-Somethings’ Monthly Brunch

  • Once a month, typically 11am on Sunday
  • Description: Anyone post-high school but not yet 30 is welcome for food, games, and fun conversation!
  • Leaders: Christian and Megan Gray Hering

Sprint Groups

These groups meet for a short period of time, like a month. Topics vary by group.

Not Your Mama’s Sunday School 

  • Sundays at 3pm – Starting on Sunday, February 16th, 2025
  • Description: For all who want to read and discuss the Christian Bible in a way that considers scholarship and welcomes diversity of thought.
  • Leader: Megan Gray Hering

Interested in attending a MeetUp?


How can I pitch in to help get Table MeetUps off the ground?

We are open to starting new groups!

Leading: As you can see from the above list, our groups are quite diverse. Your first step is to think about what kind of group you are interested in facilitating. Does this group have a particular focus or meet a particular need or is it more of a home group? Is this an ongoing group or meet for a short season? Next, let us know!

Hosting: We are extremely thankful for those who open their houses for a MeetUp to meet. If you have a space and would be willing to participate in a group, let us know!

Interested in facilitating or hosting a MeetUp?