5 Loaves Service Day

5 Loaves Food Pantry 4401 Williford Rd, Sachse, TX, United States

5 Loaves service day // We will be serving at 5 Loaves as a Table Community on Saturday, March 15th from 8:30am - 12:30pm. This is a family-friendly opportunity! We will be passing out food and helping at the warehouse. RSVP here.

Relationship Event

The Table TX 3015 Pleasant Valley Rd., Sachse, TX, United States

Want to improve your relationship with a significant other? Regardless of your relationship status, join us for a workshop focused on enhancing communication skills and navigating personality dynamics. Our hope is that through self-discovery and practical tools, you can learn how to build a stronger partnership. Please RSVP here.

Family Meal: Easter

The Table TX 3015 Pleasant Valley Rd., Sachse, TX, United States

Join us after service for a family meal in the fellowship hall.

Welcome to the Table Class

The Table TX 3015 Pleasant Valley Rd., Sachse, TX, United States

If you are new and interested in learning more about our community and how to be more involved, we will be hosting a Welcome to the Table Class before service.